Tribuna/Боротьба/Блоги/Belarusian and Russian wrestlers support the war against Ukraine. Відео з англ. субтитрами для міжнародної аудиторії

Belarusian and Russian wrestlers support the war against Ukraine. Відео з англ. субтитрами для міжнародної аудиторії

Автор — Base of Ukrainian sports
25 травня 2023, 21:39
Belarusian and Russian wrestlers support the war against Ukraine. Відео з англ. субтитрами для міжнародної аудиторії

Пропонуємо вашій увазі відео з англійськими субтитрами про турнір з боротьби пам’яті ліквідованого в Україні воєнного злочинця генерала Кутузова.

Турнір перетворився на справжній пропагандистський шабаш.

Поділіться цим відео з іноземними ЗМІ, тренерами, спортсменами.

Світ має знати про таких от «нейтральних атлетів», які хочуть повернутися на міжнародну арену.

Не даймо їм цього зробити!

From May 18 to 22, 2023, in Suzdal (Russia), the main squad of the Russian Greco-Roman wrestling team took part in the «Memorial to the Russian Hero Lieutenant General Kutuzov» tournament, a propaganda event in support of the war.

Roman Kutuzov is a Russian war criminal who participated in the war against Ukraine. In June 2022, he was killed by the Ukrainian military during the battle.

During the opening ceremony of the tournament, the Russian Wrestling Federation president Mykhailo Mamiashvili called Kutuzov «a great hero and a great citizen of Russia.»

«It is a special honor and responsibility for us to remember this great man. We bear a huge responsibility; to be worthy in our service to our sport, our country, our people; to be worthy of the memory of this great man. May the name of this man live forever», Mamiashvili said.

A video dedicated to Kutuzov was also shown during the tournament, and his combat feats» were told about.

The medalists of the competitions were photographed with joy and a smile on their faces in front of a large portrait of the occupier in military uniform, and were happy to pin medals with the image of him on their chests.

What's this, for the part of such athletes, if it's not clear support for the war? They were photographed next to a portrait of the war criminal Kutuzov, and medals with his image hung around their necks.

Will such «neutral athletes», who honor a war criminal and support the war, be allowed to compete on international level?

Here is the list of Russian and Belarusian tournament medalists, who supported the war and should now be banned from all international competitions:

Viktor Vedernikov, Yuri Tapaa, Mavlud Rizmanov,Emin Sefershaev, Sergei Chigirev, Zhambolat Lokyaev, Rahman Tavmurzaev, Roman Ivanov, Baatyr Echeshev, Muslim Imadaev, Alexander Leonchik, Adam Gauzhaev, Ruslan Bichurin, Valery Zheldashev, Arslan Zubairov, Sergey Kutuzov, Egor Deptsov, Abuyazid Mantsigov, Aues Gonibov, Rafael Yunusov, Milad Alirzaev, Alan Ostaev, Kirill Maskevich, Tembulat Abazov, Nikita Melnikov, Said-Selim Bibulatov, Vladislav Pustoshilov, Nokhcho Labazanov, Marat Kamparov, Kurban Nazhmudinov, Mikhail Laptev

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